Friday, November 14, 2008

Winter Wonderland is complete!

Our first blanket with 7 knitters! Each knitter will knit the usual 4 inches. This blanket is going to be knit in blues and white alternating. It was cast on with 110 stitches.

The Knitters:
Kellybigeyes (blue)
Mrs P (white)
Shandeh (blue)
Misha rf (white)
Holly P (blue)
Lizardknits (white)
LBECK (blue)
Border: LBECK

Lizardknits' knitting

HollyP's knitting
Winter Wonderland

Misha rf's knitting
winter wonderland after Misha rf

Shandeh's knitting

Mrs.P's addition

Kellybigeyes' knitting


Our 10th blanket!
Each knitter will knit 3 inches in garter stitch(knit every row) with their assigned color. This is going to be a fun blanket!
Crayon's Knitters:
Shandeh(Brown) - finished
Blkirback(Orange)- finished
Misha rf (Yellow)- finished
LBECK (Green)- finished
Kellybigeyes (Blue)-finished
Nephthys8 (Purple)-finished
HollyP(Black)-awaiting arrival
Border: HollyP

Kellybigeyes' blue section

LBECK's green section

Misha rf's yellow section

Blkirback's orange section

MamaDawn knit the red portion

Shandeh cast on and knit the brown section

Camo is complete!!

Camo is our first truly boy themed blanket. This blanket doesn't have a set color arrangement or pattern. As long as the yarn looks like Camo or has camo colors it will work.

The Knitters:
Misha rf
Mrs P
Border HollyP

HollyP's knitting

blkirback's knitting
camo after brandi
After MrsP
Camo after Amanda

Misha rf knit this portion
Camo after Misharf

Knitgirl2007's knitting
Camo after Knitgirl2007

Lisa's knitting and the card she made to go with the blanket!Camo

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jelly Bellies is done!

Another round of Southeast baby blankets is starting! Yippee! Jelly Bellies is our 9th blanket! It's hard to believe we have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time.
The Knitters:
Misha rf
Border: HollyP

Misha rf's knitting

MrsP's lime green addition

Oliver's pretty pink knitting

Kellybigeyes' cheerful addition

Howdovely's sunny yellow section

MamaDawn cast on for this blanket. Here is her knitting.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Summer Olympics is finished!

I think you can figure out the inspiration for this blanket just by looking at the name! ; ) It was started shortly after the games ended. Each knitter will be knitting 5 inches in their assigned color to represent the Olympic rings.

The Knitters:
Howdovely- blue
LBECK - yellow
Misha rf - black
knitgirl2007 - green
nephthys8 -red
Border: nephthys8

Knit by Misha rf

Knit by LBeck

Knit by Howdovely

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chocolate Mint

Here we are a month and a half into our project and we have another new blanket started! Let me introduce you to Chocolate Mint!

The Knitters:
LBECK (finished)
blkirback ( finished)
iheartmystash (finished)
Misha rf (finished)
Drea- working on it now

Misha rf's knitting
chocmint after Mish 2

iheartmystash's knitting
chocmint after cookie

blkirback's knitting

GennyLynn's knitting

Lisa(LBECK) 's section

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Go USA! is complete!

The Knitters:
Misha rf
Border: LBECK

The original baby oddball blanket group did a beautiful blanket called Patriotic Party (it's under the way to go knitters heading) The Southeast decided to do our own patriotic blankie. It was named Go USA! because it was started during the summer Olympics.

I'll post a close up of LBECK's knitting as soon as I get it.

GennyLynn9 knit this section

Misha rf knit this section

Shandeh's amazing contribution!!!

Kellybigeyes knit this section!

I wish I could take total credit for the idea behind my(HollyP) section. Spikey of the Northeast baby oddball region post a picture of her start to their Independence Day blanket and I "borrowed" the idea with her blessing. Thanks Spikey!!!

Cookies and Cream is finished!

Cookies and Cream
The Knitters:
Border: HollyP

We in the Southeast are apparently heavily influenced by food! LOL. This is not the first nor will it be the last blanket inspired by food!

Knit by HollyP
Cookies and Cream close up
Knit by Shandeh

Knit by MamaDawn

After Misha rf

After Moxiemade

LBeck cast on for this yummy blanket and knit this section.

Butterfly Kisses is finished!!!

The Knitters:
Border: LBECK

Moxiemade knit a beautiful dishcloth and thought it would make a great baby blanket. We all wholeheartedly agreed! So she cast on for us. We are using the butterfly stitch.

LBECK's section

Kellybigeyes' section that she knit shortly after her arm surgery. Way to go Kelly!

lizardknits' section

HollyP's section

MAmaDawn's Section

Moxiemade's section