The Knitters:
Misha rf
Border: LBECK
The original baby oddball blanket group did a beautiful blanket called Patriotic Party (it's under the way to go knitters heading) The Southeast decided to do our own patriotic blankie. It was named Go USA! because it was started during the summer Olympics.
I'll post a close up of LBECK's knitting as soon as I get it.
GennyLynn9 knit this section
Misha rf knit this section

Shandeh's amazing contribution!!!

Kellybigeyes knit this section!
I wish I could take total credit for the idea behind my(HollyP) section. Spikey of the Northeast baby oddball region post a picture of her start to their Independence Day blanket and I "borrowed" the idea with her blessing. Thanks Spikey!!!

1 comment:
You are welcome! Always happy to share.
Great job, Southeasters!
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