The Knitters:
Kellybigeyes (red)
LBECK (yellow)
MamaDawn (Green)
Moxiemade (Blue)
Misha rf (Orange)
HollyP (brown)
Border: HollyP
HollyP was the final(6th) knitter on M&Ms

Misha rf knit the fifth section

Moxiemade knit the fourth section. On my computer it looks purpley but it is actually a rich blue!

Dawn knit the third section for the M&Ms blanket. This blanket just keeps looking better and better! At this rate it is going to be done before we know it!

Lisa (LBECK) was the second knitter for this blanket. She did the lovely yellow section.

Kellybigeyes started M&Ms for us. She also made the card to accompany it. Good job Kelly!
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